Thursday, November 25, 2010


i did it.

i have dreamt of fixing a thanksgiving dinner for years.  actually doing it.  all of it.  and today was the day.  of course, i couldn't have done any of it without help...and tommar wilson is the GREATEST help any kitchen has ever known.  seriously.  he helped me cook everything, he cleaned up everything, and he did it all with a smile.  good friends are awesome.

this picture is me taking carla out of the brine.  (i named my turkey carla) i tweeted it earlier, but i just had to repost.  the true verdict:  the turkey was too dry, but we didn't die of salminnelli (as i like to call's flashier and less threatening that way).  next time i'm gonna make it moist as can be...ahem.

the flavor was great, thanks to a great brining recipe from my friend brandon, and i used my old faithful sausage apple cranberry stuffing recipe as well as the greatest sweet potato casserole recipe on the planet to round things out.  there were mashed potatoes, cran jelly, green beans, and for dessert, oreo surprise.  canada didn't have pumpkin pies out at the supermarkets and i didn't feel like making one.  so...surprise!

the company was great.  the kids had a fun time.  oliver did laps around kitchen for a good 7 minutes straight, screaming all the way.  it was hilarious.  we ate too much, like you do, we cleaned up, and then we headed over to see PRISCILLA again at the princess of wales.

as crazy as that show is, something about it gets me.  just does.  the cast is awesome, the show has fabulousness and heart, and it is a completely ridiculous and utter blast.

fun turkey day this year.  i hope you had a good one too.




  1. gotta quote 4 ya g its from Thorton Wilders play "Our Town" "you gotta have life to love life...but you gotta love life to have life, thats what we call the vicious circle my friends" figured ud like it cus u no..."u got life life life life liiiiifffffeeee!!! anyhooo i no this is kinda long and idk y im even writen it cus u may not even look at the comment! well HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!!!!

  2. I think you get the award for the best Thanksgiving photo ever. It's pretty epic! Loves it!
