Friday, December 24, 2010


so sometimes when i want to write you all a little blogBLAB, i zip up to the ever helpful GOOGLE bar, enter in the first thing that pops into my mind, and see what images come up.  then, i get inspired from there, and use that as a jumping off point to share my ever ridiculous thoughts.  this picture, i like.  it doesn't have anything to do with anything really, but's neat, no?  apparently it was made out of construction paper. creative.

but this is what happened today when i popped up to that google bar.

i typed into the normal search field, "images of...."  and right when i was about to think of something, the autofill came up, and what it completed for me, i found utterly hilarious....and enlightening.

i don't know how the internet works really, and if YOU typed in "images of..." on YOUR computer i don't know what would autocomplete....but mine said: (in this order)

images of jesus
images of america
images of bed bugs
images of fall
images of money
images of christmas
images of dogs
images of the sun
images of hearts
images of 9 11


WHAT?!  like i said, i don't really know how it works, but i would assume, as we type things in, it tries to figure out what we might want to see, based on what everyone online has been typing in.  i assume this, because sometimes, when i am trying to find things about myself for example, i am slightly annoyed or perplexed as to what follows my name.  but THIS LIST!?

are we really looking for visual proof or confirmation of THESE THINGS??? in THIS order?!

is this what people on the internet are 'trending' on?  (i don't think i used that twitter term correctly)  who ARE we?  what is this telling me?  and...

BED BUGS!?!?!?  has it gotten to be that big of a problem/issue/neurosis/fear?  i know they are real.  i know friends of mine who have suffered through them.  bed bugs have become a topic of conversation over drinks more than once....but....#3?  right behind jesus and the USA?  for cryin out loud, where's justin beiber on this list?  i mean sheesh.  i just discovered last night that he has the most viewed youtube video on the internet (i obviously have more time to putter around/kill precious brain cells online as i am actually letting myself relax on's, i didn't need to know this about j beibs, and no, i couldn't make it past about 50 seconds of the 'baby' video....but....good for him)

i don't know.  i just find it amusing/amazing that THESE are the things we are looking for on the internet.  naturally, jesus would be up there....but....he got to number ONE!  wow, way to go dude.... you beat beiber.  and then not surprisingly/a bit nauseatingly narcissisticly patriotic, there america is....right behind the supposed son of god.  but then...


i'm sorry, i just can't get over that.  it is hilarious.  i mean come on, hearts and puppies got pulverized, money was shut out, and one of the worst days of the world was trumped by....insects.  fear.  boo.

here's hoping we start looking for other things in 2011.  here's dreaming that our obsessions become less focused on paranoia or pride or gain.  maybe we can get down with a little joy....hell, maybe even a little sexiness, or possibility.

i at least hope that the sun makes a climb in the coming all ways.  let it shine :)

and i also hope pudding pops make their way back onto the market.




  1. type "why are christians so" into your google search bar, those suggestions are even more baffling. not that i disagree with many of them, it's just interesting that google exposes so much about how we think and what kind of answers we're looking for.

    here's to sexiness & possibility in 2011 ;)

  2. I'm literally laughing out loud to this. You should have way more views on youtube than 'j beibs' let alone bedbugs. Merry Christmas and go pudding pops in 2011! <3

  3. I got, "Images of herpes in women" in my search bar. It was last on the list... but still... on the list.

  4. I got the same... it's not just you. Except the last suggestion on my list was 'images of flowers', which I like. :)

    Happy Christmas! x

  5. Mine says in this order:

    ....this is an equally disturbing list.

  6. My suggestions are -


    I live in Scotland! This does not make me happy ;)

    For more Google-Fun:
    And for a good Bieber Baby Cover:

    Don't we all spend too much time on the internet? Happy Holidays!
