Monday, December 20, 2010


i typed into google image search, "lunar ballerina" and this is what came up.  pretty cool, eh? a bit of a blend of both i thought.

it's  a lunar eclipse tonight....and i saw BLACK SWAN finally today.  i think it is only appropriate that there is some weird moon thing going on when i would see that movie.  honestly, as it was going along, i think the hype i had heard almost destroyed it for me.  i thought, yeah, it is provocative and made me cringe here and there, but i didn't find it 'surprising' necessarily...though i did leave the theatre feeling like i had done something wrong....and natalie portman's face was burned in my head.  she's something else.  wowsers.

the only other time i remember a movie making me feel like that was THE TALENTED MISTER RIPLEY.  something about that movie gave me guilt.  like, i left thinking i was going to get in i had been a very bad person and i was going to get caught, and nothing was ever going to be the was going to be worse from now on.  

it was an icky feeling.  and miss SWAN did that to me today too.  so....BRAVO to darren a and the gang!  lol

now about this eclipse.  i think it is aliens.  i feel like science has decided to 'explain' this for us so we don't all freak out.  i think these blood red changes to big balls of light in the sky, or flashes of green they call 'northern lights' or meteor showers or shooting stars or bizarre weather patterns....

all of it.


and according to THE EVENT....they are getting pissed off and want to go home and we better back off.  you hear me?  or jason ritter and his weird ass girlfriend with the perfectly curled hair in each scene (that annoys me, ps) are gonna get EVEN MORE postal and take us down, while they never age a day.

i'm just saying.

happy holidays earthlings.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Gavin,
    I realize that this is completely unrelated to your post and is kind of reallly strange... buut... in your movie "Eloise at Christmastime" you begin to sing a song that goes "Memories linger, some happy some sad.." and I thought it was beautiful! Only thing is I can not find out what song it is... is it real? Do you know? :) Merry Christmas, you're incredible!
