Friday, September 24, 2010


so apparently, this spoon and this cherry are here.  somewhere.  in minneapolis.  i am only here for two days, so i doubt i will see said cherry and said spoon, but just to know they are out there....somewhere....thrills me beyond belief.  go minneapolis.

i am here for a concert tonight to help raise money for the democratic candidate for governor, mark dayton. my friend jake reitan (who is a kick ass human rights fighter and a total inspiration-if you haven't seen FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO, see it...he and his family are a beautiful part of that documentary) but jake called me a while back and asked if i would be willing to come out to minneapolis to lend my voice (literally) to help the cause.  i watched a couple videos, let jake school me on what is up in this great state, and i said, 'i'm there,'

in case you didn't know, the republican opponent is name tom emmer and he is about as anti-equality as you can get in this modern age.  like many people out there with their 'love the sinner hate the sin' mentality, he looks pretty wholesome and pretty 'normal.'  most are, aren't they?  but when it comes right down to brass tacks (i gotta use that more often...brass tacks....that's a good'un) he's about dividing some of us into that ever convenient 'second class' category and that ain't it kid, THAT AIN'T IT KID!

so i'm here, and we are gonna raise a little money to help with sir dayton's campaign and push for the governor seat, BECAUSE: he is the first gubernatorial candidate to ever publicly support marriage equality in MN!  and jake tells me that things here are looking totally possible IF DAYTON BECOMES GOVERNOR.  if emmer gets better believe that will be d.o.a.

please let your friends and family in MN know, get talking, spread the word, twitter, facebook, whatever you can do to get out the vote and help make this historic moment to happen in MINNESOTA!!

see you soon




  1. If you can, throw a few bucks to the Mark Dayton campaign, as a way to support our boy, Gavin.

    And, "thanks, Gavin!"

  2. The Spoonbridge and Cherry is by Claes Oldenburg!!!! I love him....he does all of these large scale sculptures in out door art spaces all across the ingenious. Oh, and woo hoo for equality in MN, dont'cha know!!!
